setting up Drurpal six

Submitted by Christie Alcidor on Tue, 07/11/2017 - 10:27

Drupal six won't run with out setting reverse proxy setting.

pg-ctl is post gress control q.

telnet lets you make direct network connections and send network commands.

initdb creates a new database.

Socket is a file that lets you communicate with a program when you read and write with it.

nesting is when a command calls another command.


Submitted by Christie Alcidor on Fri, 06/30/2017 - 10:57

What does ddclient do?

This tells when my address changes. 


Why did I set up an account with change 

I set up an account with change ip because it get an address for my computer that stays the same when ip address changes. 



Submitted by Christie Alcidor on Fri, 06/30/2017 - 09:40

Today I learned that not to save things in the home page. Instead I could just make a new article or revise what I wrote.


Submitted by Christie Alcidor on Thu, 06/29/2017 - 16:44

Im learning what things certain things mean in the terminal. If I don't know something I could use the command   'man'.


Submitted by Christie Alcidor on Wed, 06/28/2017 - 16:09

Im learning how  type better. I still don't like using my  pinky for things but you know, you only get get better with practice.  Still working.